Wednesday 19 September 2012

Helping Hands

(skip to 36 seconds)

My idea of filling a space with an object you wouldn't expect to see was inspired by this short clip of a little girl in a dark hallway. I love the way the little girl can have such a terrifying impact on the passer bys. The initial fear that the child inflicts on the people is similar to the emotions that I want others to feel with some of my idea concepts.

I wanted to combine my idea of a small spaces, like an elevator with making others feel as uncomfortable as I do in one by placing an object that you wouldn't expect to be there in the elevator.

My initial thought was balloons but as I looked into does a balloon occupy space even when there is space in it. But then I felt that a balloon wasn't as daunting as lets say some ones hand, a hand coming out from the wall of the elevator. This idea was developed from a number of things such as...

One of my all time favourite movies as a child was "The Labyrinth"and one of its scenes  came to my mind as I developed my " hands reaching out from the walls" idea. The scene is titled "Helping Hands".

This scene inspired me to create and idea of having many sets of hands reaching out from the walls of the elevator as if they are about to grab the person standing in the centre. The idea of adding movement to the hands, that they look as if they're bursting through the walls, came from a sculpture I found through Facebook of two horses who look like they're running out from a wall. So much movement is captured in this sculpture which I found really interesting about the piece.

Sculpture by Savaka Kajiti Ganz called "Emergence" made with a variety of materials from plastic utensils to hangers.

This sculpture I thought ,on first looking at it, it was made from metal/wire. This gave me the idea to experiment with wire and make a hand. First I wanted to make a replica of my hand in order to sculpt the wire hand around.

Tissue and Masking Taped Hand Sculpture
Wire Hand Sculpture 

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