Tuesday 18 September 2012

Confined Spaces

I began to think how spaces make me feel. A common fear to many is claustrophobia. My experiences with this fear have occurred in small, confined, "walls are closing in" type spaces. Even now I will still refuse to travel in an elevator alone. Although I cannot avoid this means of transport at all times especially at my workplace, where travelling in an elevator is the only means of going from one floor to the next, the many scenarios (worst case scenarios) and reruns in my brain of what could happen in an elevator that would lead to my uncertain death are endless.

-Thoughts of suffocating even thought most elevators these days have air conditioning still creeps into my subconscious.
-The almost certain power cut during my (less than) 30 second elevator ride from one floor to the next.
-That falling sensation and the "this is it" moment when the elevator jumps down a little before rising or descending between floors.

These are just a few of the "Many Ways to Die in an Elevator" scenarios that are racking around in my head when confronted with this mean machine.My aim is to share my feelings of anxiety, panic and well, fear with others so that they can have a better understanding of why I've walked down this path of my project that others think is too common to take. Its how you approach the subject in question that makes your work  unique and different to others that matters.

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