Thursday 25 October 2012

There One Minute, Gone the Next

My ideas behind these stop motions came from me wanting to experiment with the word ephemeral. I have decided to push my work towards the concept of creating and documenting work that last for a for a short period of time (ephemeral). 

The last stop motion was created after I failed miserably at trying to preserve the sugar that was left on the black paper after it was dropped from the cone-like structure. I thought using PVA glue was a good idea but I discovered after lathering the sugar in glue (which I had added water to) that the sugar would dissolve in it which was exactly what happened.

For once my mistakes had actually sparked a new idea. The concept of ephemeral is that it only last for a short time. I decided to create a stop motion of sugar being dissolved in water as the sugar would become a substance that is ephemeral. There one minute gone the next.  

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