Monday 22 October 2012

Sometimes Making Something leads to Nothing

Francis Alys - "Sometimes Making Something Leads to Nothing"

Sony Bravia Advertisement - Bouncing Balls
(the making of)

These videos are very similar in the way they are made. 

Francis Alys' time in which to produce something from his work is limited due to the melting of the ice in the hot Mexican sun. Sooner rather than later the ice block is going to melt to nothing, although this is the aim of his experiment, he still wants to be able to record his concept while there's still time.  

The Production team behind the Sony Bravia Advert have the same predicament. Because they are filming 50,000 balls bouncing down the streets of New York, they cant afford the time and money it would take to re-shoot the movement over and over again.

They both have only one chance to get it right. 

These concepts are similar to the direction I want my Project to move in. I want to experiment with ephemerality. Capturing an experience that last for a brief moment in time. 

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