Thursday 17 January 2013

Elective 1 - Print

The Brief I received was "Urban Spaces"
My first objective was to gather 10 images of urban spaces that interested me. From these images one was selected to make compositions suitable for drypoint prints and Monoprints. The image I selected contained an old tricycle that was stuck up on a roof of a derelict house and became almost part of the roof as tree branches and weeds engulfed it.  Below are images of the progression of my printing.

Planning my Drypoint etching

Drypoint etching without colour.

more detailed drypoint etching 

Adding a bit of colour to bring it to life.
Black and Grey Woodblock

Quick Sketch of Possible Woodblock design

Drawing Image free hand onto woodblock with pen

Adding extra shading and starting to cut out grey area with cutting tools

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